Saturday, March 27, 2010

MS Courier

So excited about all the released details (albeit virtual) for the upcoming MS Courier booklet. The mentioned features are already showing that they will dominate the market. I have an iPhone and its use for my work is seriously lacking. I am in process engineering. I have other creative passtimes also. Writing or making notes with a finger is an obvious downgrade. And typing on something that small with thumbs is simply too slow. And the iPad... is simply half a device (no thanks).

The market need (on the business end) is obvious from the sales in the "productivity" and "lifestyle" and "business" sections of the iTunes AppStore.

MS Courier developers have the advantage of watching how the public responds to other devices and incorporating the learnings. It seems to tackle all the shortcomings of other devices already. I really hope this is the one mobile device to combine all.

Imagine if you can always have your office with you in a lightweight network-conntected computer. No, a netbook cannot handle my concept sketches and a tablet is massive.
I (like many) go to meetings all day and have to make endless notes or to-do lists. I have to multitask on the run and use "downtime" for creative input to my projects. Something I hope they have the virtual display keyboard, in landscape mode. Granted, I make a lot more stylised notes with a pen. But since I type a lot fasted than I write, a keyboard would really help me finish reports and emails while not at the desk. Speaking of "away from the desk", I also hope its unique OS can sync with the desktop and dump or share the connected content in a file explorer subfolder format. Obviously sync with outlook and office is vital for the big picture.

Just. The whole phone part. If they include that functionality, I would not need anything else. And I (along with many) would be willing to pay a great deal for this ultimate device!
They should probably sell a wirelessly connected earpiece for it.
I mean, imagine just keeping the booklet in your jacket pocket (or backpack) with your mini phone or earpiece device (attached to your lapel, or shirt, or in your pocket) ring for the call. Or if you really want to go out to a beach party without the bigger booklet, connecting to it over the mobile network would be needed. In that case it would have to be a mini phone, or the booklet would have to share contacts with a regular phone (the less exciting option). Another use is for a shoppinglist. So holding it open with one hand would need it to fold back to back.

And I really hope the webcam installation was true. Enabling conference video calls for this device will set it above any bar. Then casual corner of the market would want to watch entertainment video content and listen to songs and play some games. And its an obvious unintended take-over of all ebooks.
It will be the must-have device for the near future.

My guess is they are struggling with battery power, generated heat, operting memory and memory capacity. And maybe with durability on the hinges. And perhaps outdoor sunlight reflectivity. And the pen has challenges of its own - oh, imagine a step up with pressure sensitivity !

The only other comparable device for functionality is the "sixth sense" device I saw on the TED website. But it still has many more years to go to create the intented seemless augmented reality. The protyping looks promising.

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