Friday, March 19, 2010

Neuroscience and genetics and connectivity

So we are studying the brain, to understand how it works and how it sees reality. We are mapping neurons and synapses and their electrical activity on supercomputers. We are supposedly learning a lot from stimulating these models and looking at the reaction. And we marvel at reaching the terraflop level but will never really get computers to act like the brain, or maybe we will.
Yet we have billions of supercomputers walking around the planet. These biological supercomputers (the brains) are evolving slowly. We don't understand them fully, but we can see the outcomes and achieve so much as a species. Beyond that we sense that an alien race would possibly be more intelligent.

My question is, why are we not working on interconnecting brains. Not surgically of course, but rather getting them to "supercommunicate" to work towards a common goal. Communication we currently have are grossly inefficient from one brain to the next. This makes learning and knowledge processing and recording slow. Like writing to a hard drive is much slower than other computing functions.
I used to wish that I could link my brain directly to the internet, or have a direct-link computing interface because the slowest most labourious part is the information travelling in and out of my brain.

Is anyone working on that? I really hope so. I don't just mean more intuitive or natural interfaces. I mean true connectivity. Start as simple as MRI's on heads that are touching and thinking/doing the same thing. I just seems like a logic step up for humanity, the brain and breaking out of the mold we are making.

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